My partner and I were having a chat about how his buddy managed to sustain a relationship for twelve years. Yes, you read right.TWELVE years. *eyes widen in amazement*
Twelve. Freaking. Years. *eyes popping out of sockets*
Some marriages do not even last that long! Not much was exchanged since it was a short journey home but I was left totally amazed at how some people can do it.
Barely two hours later, I got an IM on Facebook. A girlfriend told me that she had broken up with her boyfriend of fifteen years. WTF???
How weird life is. You hear something happy and you start to feel that maybe life doesn't really suck. Then you hear something that bothers you and you start to feel that maybe life sucks after all.
Roller coaster, I say - one up and one down. And up and down you go till you are irritated or till you get flung out of the ride. Okay, the latter is definitely even more fucked up cos you have no control.
My brother is probably right - it's 2009 now. Unlike our parents' times where people go through thick and thin and stick together no matter what, people these days part at the snap of the fingers.A thought for the day - have you embraced all the good little things in your life and REALLY learn how to treasure what you have? We do not have the ability to control what tomorrow will bring but we have the ability to cherish what we have and give our best shot in it. Have you given your best?
I came across this article on Yahoo today and found it a pretty fascinating read. Apparently, a girl was jealous because a picture of her boyfriend kissing another girl on the cheek appeared on his Facebook.
This is interesting cos half the world is blaming Facebook for opening up everyone's life and cans of worms on cyber space while the other half of the world started a debate on how Trust and Communication is important in a relationship.
True, I agree that Trust and Communication are the fundamentals of any relationship. Without it, any relationship is going to break even if there is no You Tube/ Twitter/ Facebook. An example : a friend was being accused of cheating just because he stood right beside someone from the opposite sex (who is hotter than his partner) at the traffic lights and got seen by his partner's friend's friend's friend (ya, some KPO who has nothing better to do then "pass the message on"). By the time the gossip reached his girlfriend, all hell broke loose. He got accused of dating someone else.....WTF?!?!?!?! Eh.....come on, what the hell was he supposed to do?? (Note : this is not even Facebook related). If I have to cross the road and there is someone hot right next to me, what am I expected to do? Push that poor fellow onto the roads to prevent any misunderstanding that might occur?
Anyway, I seriously find it funny how people are actually blaming technology for stuff like that. I admit technology can sometimes be more of a hinder than help because I was a victim of discussions not too long ago and is still having someone stalking me on my Twitter (yes, I know you have been printing my Tweets, you chao turtle). But to put it simply - if you decide to have part of your life shared on social media sites, don't expect it all to be kept under wraps. Sometimes, some random photo from the past or an ex who decides to declare his/ her love suddenly might just pop up in cyber space and you will find yourself having to explain stuff. Exposed? So be it, handle it well. No need to apologize for your past or what is not within your control. Explain your case and move on. I can teach you some crisis management skills if needed. LOLAs for me? It's still pretty much a love-hate relationship there. I met my partner on Facebook so how can I ever hate Facebook? However, I still get annoyed when people are taking stuff they read about me as their coffee chats (yeah, god damn you and your fucking etiquettes or rather the lack of it)...though I admit sometimes, I do get a kick out of being discussed cos I feel like a celebrity being stalked. Come to think of it, maybe I have a fan base out there? Hah.
I am not joining in the debate of Technology versus Human Thoughts cos it's right there in your face that I think this is simply an issue of Trust and Communication - no need to debate and I don't need votes for me either. Can't trust your partner? Can't communicate and hear the truth behind it? Then seriously, what's more to say? Don't even start pointing your finger at YouTweetFace. (That's a combination of You Tube, Twitter and Facebook. I am not cursing at anyone.)