Friday, September 26, 2014

Zsa Zsa Zsu

Zsa Zsa Zsu....

So many butterflies. And sparks. And fireworks. Boom...boom....boom!!!

Lovely butterfly feelings when you just want to be with someone. 

Haven't felt like this in years. Happiness much! Sweetness overdosed!

Gimme me more. Me love it! 


Monday, September 22, 2014

I still Believe that My One is out there somewhere

I think, at our cores, no matter how jaded and cynical and bitter and burned we might claim to be - we're optimists.

We like to believe in love and happily ever after, and we like to believe that something is out there waiting for us. And so that is why we hold onto the could have beens, and all of the futures we painted in our heads but were never brave enough to admit.

It's hard to reconcile the fact that maybe, deep down, the way to get what we wanted was just to have The Talk with the other person before the cut-and-run. 

And that's on us, and will ever be.  

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Sorry, I am not a Saint

I am tired. Very tired of trying to live up to expectations.

I am on the verge of breaking. Almost there.

Just because I had fell and stood up before, it does not mean I can stand up everytime I fall. Sometimes it hurts. Sometimes I am just too tired. Sometimes I just simply have no more strength to do so.

I also want to be like an ungrateful brat and just fuck care everyone's expectations.

Keeping quiet does not mean I do not know anything or can't feel anything. But because sometimes some friendships are so important to me that I can give up anything and everything for that one friend. 

Because I don't say what I did and so people assume I am a heartless and naive person. Unfortunately, I am not. I love a perfect world more than anything.

My Sorry is not for anything that I have done. I have done nothing wrong so far. Yes, I forgot dates and if there are no constant reminders, everything slips my mind. My Sorry is - if you think that I am a Saint and will be Miss Forever-Nice - sorry, but I am going to have disappoint you cos I ain't no Saint.