Many times, when I feel low and lost, I turn around and am just grateful that I have a bunch of friends that are always there. There to pass me loads of tissue when I cry; there to lend a shoulder when I break down; there to support me when I am pissed with the whole world; there to laugh with me when good things happen and simply being there when they could be somewhere else.
Sometimes, life gets a bit complicated and we drift apart a little. Meet ups are lesser, phonecalls are shorter, tempers flare a little and emotions run a bit too high. But that's what friendships are - despite the bad, we are still friends forever.
It's not International Friendship Day. Duh. But this is one of the more emo nights when I look at photos and start feeling a little touched that despite my bitchiness, my bad temper, my swearing, I still have these angels in my life looking out for me.
Have you not met up with your friends recently? Feel like seeing them? Feel like calling them up just to say Hello? Feel like reminiscing over a cup of coffee? Go ahead, pick up the phone and just dial the number. Even a SMS might work. Trust me, you won't regret it. ^_^
And no, I am not bullshitting. I am truly having a good time with my old friends of 15 years as well as new found friends of a couple of years or lesser. As well as with Sea Cucumber who grew up with me. It just take a few calls and text messages and the fun begins...............

The Sistahood - Huiyi, Me, Audrey, Joe Ann and Jolin. We work and play together!

Jasmine, whom I've known since primary school. And Karen, since secondary one.

And that's Lawrence - the thorn among the roses! Or is it the other way round?
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