Come midnight, it will mark the 2nd month of the completion of our first upgrade. *hiak hiak hiak*If we were attracted to each other at Boiler while being intoxicated, then we are probably still drunk at this point in time. Thank god, the question was asked when we were both sober at Genting. *phew*
Can you just imagine having everything revolving around alcohol and being tipsy???
Two months.....hmmm.....for some weird reason, it feels that it has been more than that? But then the calendar won't lie, right? Weird....weird....weird.....
I'm calling it the Best Two cos' it's the best two months I have ever had in a relationship. It's never easy finding someone who can understand you and accept you just the way you are. And I am an especially hard person to handle because I am EXTREMELY stubborn, hot tempered and tends to shoot my mouth off without thinking twice. So I am really thankful that God has led me to someone who can accept me for who I am and who knows what I am thinking when I haven't even said a word! You can call that creepy - I don't really care.
Come tomorrow, Ray is going to have a surprise. Yes, I am kidnapping him away from civilization for the weekend. And he doesn't know where we are going or what we are doing. Ah huh, he is quite a failure when it comes to snooping around for clues.
This post is supposed to be up at midnight but I think exhaustion is getting to me and I think I will possibly fall asleep within 30 minutes. Up goes the post before it's too late.
So, Love, if you somehow see this later while I am lost in La-La Land (or only after we are back from the weekend)......Happy Two Months Anniversary! I probably haven't said this enough......thank you for accepting me for who I am and for simply being there. I don't know what lies in the future and if it will be a bed of roses or Tsunami like (think huge waves). But I know we will always have each other and we will walk this path together. And don't forget to whistle while we walk.
Happy Two.....and to the many more to come! ^_^ .
First day of the upgrade. The look of happiness = priceless.
After a month and a half .....DoRAYmon lost his charm!