When I first took a break two months ago, I thought I will have a lot of fun doing nothing. Well, it was to be a month's break which became two. But anyway.......
The first week was pretty fun, I woke up about 10am every morning, log onto Facebook and Twitter, took my time with the news, slowly make coffee, watch movies online and wait for the man to come home then talk about how I do nothing for the day. (heh...)
The second and third week, I started waking up later about noon time. I am still doing the "usual" stuff except I kinda miss the hustle and bustle I get in a corporate environment.
After a month of "rest", I was quite gone. I wake up at 2pm on most days. Scan through the news online in under fifteen minutes mostly. Tweet once every three days. But Facebook and play Cafe World every fucking minute. And this was when I started feeling that life is meaningless and I wondered what is the purpose of my existence...?
When the second week of November came and went, I couldn't take it anymore and headed to recruitment agencies to look for temp jobs. It came to the point that I asked Ray to get me something to do. Yah, I was feeling restless. On a typical day, I spend half the day in bed, half of my waking hours wondering what is my goal in life and the other half of my waking hours doing god-knows-what.
For the record, I am not a useless bum who is bumming around jobless. I have been signed on to a multi-national PR company and have secured a managerial position. However, based on the contract, I only start on 05 Jan 2010. On one hand, I am happy that I have accomplished this part of my career goals before the targeted age of thirty. But on the other hand, I am feeling lost with the fact that I am doing NOTHING. Yes, absolutely NOTHING. Geez.
I remembering complaining a lot while I was still in the corporate world. My laptop comes with me on every trip - business or leisure. My mobile needs to be on - no matter which part of the world I am in. Phone calls need to be picked up even at 3am cos it could be work calls. Crazy working hours till the wee hours during certain crazy periods. The pressure of performing your best at work even when you are down with a thirty-nine degrees fever.....etc, etc, etc.....
Now, I have a different kind of complaint. I am complaining that I am too free and I have nothing to do. I know some are going to call me crazy and they wish they could do the same but let me tell you - think twice before you join the Bummer Group. I am serious.
So, after two months, I am just happy to find something that is going to fill in the gap till January. And I can't help but look forward to January when I will throw on my work jackets and sashay back into the Corporate World - in style like the girls of SATC, of course. After all, I am the city girl that Cathleen is proud of. Right, Miss Witter? *winks*

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