Monday, December 27, 2010

My Pride & Joy

MIA - not. I went to give birth. ^_^My country gives money for people that pops babies. So why not take the money if I can? 4K is not a small amount.....

And as a mum now, I finally understand why people say that kids are every parent's pride and joy. Whenever the world disappoints me, I will take a look at Jay and he will make me feel happy. It's a comfort to know that no matter how fucked up the world is, there is still a little thing that is so innocent. And of course, I feel damn proud whenever I look at his chubby face (and legs....and arms). *grins*

So, here goes......Presenting my little bundle of joy who made his grand entrance to this world on 29 October 2010 : Jay Ang


Freshly pulled out from inside of me...see the hair is still messy?

With Great-Grandma

With Grandma - who dotes on him to death...

Caught with his cheeky smile at three weeks old!

I dance Para Para dance for you!


People say we have the same eyes but I am quite sure I don't glare at people like him!

Neh neh pok!
Actually, the neh neh is not the focus but his new hairstyle.

First Christmas at Pan Pacific Hotel

Speechless about this....Jay Jay wants to sleep but I want to bathe him so he did this - sleep while I bathe him. -.-ll

Saturday, December 18, 2010

The Tribal Fighting Fish

Why a fighting fish?

Have you ever seen a fighting fish? It fights. Till the very end. It retains it's beauty and glory till it's very end. It never says die and no matter what destiny has for them, they defy it. It will never say okay and accept what fate has in store for it.

Tribal? Well, all my three tattoos are of tribal designs so it has to be a tribal.

I have learnt from many past experiences that it's up to oneself to protect herself.

A fighting fish will always remind me that no matter what fate has in store for me, it's up to me to say okay or FUCK YOU, MOTHER FUCKER.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Disappointed. Utterly.

It doesn't take much. Really.
To know how much you are worth to someone.

The feeling of always being the short-changed one sucks.
And it sucks even more when one is short-changed and the realization that one was never important either. You are here just because you happen to be at the right place at the wrong time.

It doesn't take much either - to be disappointed and to eventually hit the point of "I don't give a fuck anymore".
After all, when people promise you things and go back on their words too many times, one will eventually give up believing. No?

Sunday, August 8, 2010

The name game

DoRAYmon told me to think of names for the baby. So I came up with :

- Ang Ku Kueh (nice to eat mah)
- Ang Gong Gong (the name power can? can ward off evil.)
- Ang Ang Ang (the correct way to pronounce this is to sing it like the Doraemon song)

DoRAYmon said No to all the names. So I gave up and told him to go think of one himself.
He is smarter. He is dumping it on the fortune teller. When the baby is born, he is going to bring the eight characters to the fortune teller to get a name. Win lor.

Then he said maybe we can think of Christian names. So, I came up with :

- Lucas (Ray called it Lu-kar-ching) -.-
- Matthias (Ray cannot pronounce the name)
- Jay (think Jay Chou. Ray of course said no)

So, now back to square one. No name. Bleah.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Because I can and I will

Because I have done it before,
And I know I can do it, 
I can and I will do it a second time if I have to.

You can chose not to prioritize,
And chose not to respect,
And I will do the same.

Except you didn't know me well then.
Neither do you know me well enough now. 
When I switch off and turn around,
I walk and I do not turn back.

You can repeat a mistake another make. 
Except you should know I do not give second chances.
No matter who, no matter what,
No second chances.

You had two choices. 
You chose A so don't ask for B when your decision is fucked.
You chose and you shall bear the consequences.

And like I always said,
Too late - the damage is done.
Don't bother trying anymore.
Even if I can, I will not turn around cos there is no point in saying Sorry and making amends.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Kick, baby, kick!

I never knew how amazing being pregnant was till I felt my belly moved big time.

It was almost twenty weeks into the pregnancy before I felt the baby kick. But the kick was so strong that Ray can feel tremors when he puts his hand on my belly. What followed after that was magical and at times, amusing. 

Ray probably felt more excited than me from the first time he saw the foetus on the screen at the doctor's clinic. It was well, a foetus to me but he found it very amazing that it was his baby he is looking at. When we heard the baby's heartbeat for the first time and was told the internal bleeding has cleared and the baby is safe, Ray grinned like an idiot. 

Last month, we went for the 20th week check up and for those who are parents, you will know how detailed this is. The doctor took a screen shot of the face and the other body parts and for the first time, we all saw something very prominent down there - which tells us the baby is a boy. Nothing could described the look on Ray's face. I was a little disappointed cos I was hoping for a girl. But I guess, as long as the baby is healthy, it's okay regardless of the sex it is.

These few weeks, we could feel the kicking getting stronger and stronger and of course, more and more movements throughout the day. You think you watching the World Cup is fun? I am having more fun cos I can feel someone doing soccer movements in me. Ray's favorite sentence for now is "Kick, baby, kick!" because he thinks these kicks are funny. Nice husband huh?

We still have about four months to go before I am due and while sometimes I don't really feel good because of all the hormones, I thank God every now and then because save for a few puking, room spinning episodes and short tempers, I think I have it real easy. And with a husband like Ray, I guess I am luckier than a lot of my girlfriends. Not taking a dig at anyone but I know know why so many of my girlfriends were pissed at not getting enough support from their husbands.

I guess like most first-time parents, we are going to keep ourselves amused by the little one's antics till he is due to arrive in November. As for now, we'll keep our eyes on that belly as we wait for the time to arrive when we can see the belly moves because his movements are huge!

Saturday, June 12, 2010

The long overdue wedding photos

The wedding has been over for a month, I know. I have a good excuse. I was tired. Lalalalala....
Anyway, better late than never, here are the pretty photos from our wedding album.

Enjoy. Because like every other couple, soon these photos will be kept in a part of the store room till one day when the kids ask to see it. Which will be a good fifteen years later.

Ray has concealer and lip gloss on!

I wanted to write blushing bride but people who knows me knows I don't blush. Buay paiseh, what to do?

Ray's friend called this the "sexy hip twist". O.o

Hort Park

We have a brilliant photographer, I must say.

And how can we forget Sentosa.....where it all started.  ^_*

We have a photo like that taken that morning when we were leaving.....

And the oh-too-familiar spot!

One last shot at Sentosa before the rain came puring down.

Jill to Ray : Will you marry me?
Ray : "Oooooh...checks out the cleavage!" Of course! 

A scene from the Storm Riders. Look at the sky! Weeet!

The black black photo. Can see nothing except the big red thing on my hair.

Back from god-knows-where

I am not dead. Neither is my blog dead. We are very much alive, thank you.
I am just busy. Super busy to blog, that's all.

Had to spend the whole of April planning for the wedding and catching up on sleep. Yes, I have to sleep at least eight hours a day or I am very screwed.

Had the wedding in May and right after, jumped back into the sea of work. Two events in the same month, one after the other, so of course, I am busy like hell.

Now that we only have one launch in June, I can finally blog. Haiz....I wish I have more time to do the things I love, like blogging, reading, cross-stitch or even cooking. Of course, I wish I can have more time to club, but at four and a half months pregnant and being sleepy 90% of the time, clubbing is no longer on the top of the priority list.

So, if you are wondering what I have been doing the past two months since the last post.....well, I had gone off to get married, get pregnant and prep myself for a family. Oh yesh, family. You heard right. Come November, we will be welcoming the young one (sex to be revealed shortly). That's why life has became very hectic, for me at least, since I feel like I am battling against time everyday.

The husband said - uh-huh, DoRAYmon has upgraded from boyfriend to husband now - that since I am pregnant now, I will have more things to write about. Oh yes, I do have a lot of comments and things to say but I am too tired at the same time. More than often, I wish I can have a computer which auto types what I am thinking in my head, photoshop the pictures I am thinking of photoshopping in my mind and blog for me when I am too tired to do anything. But this is not happening so I am praying hard that the husband will do the job of the imaginary invincible computer. Which honestly, doesn't seem to be happening anytime soon too. Bleah.

So, to keep this blog alive and earn some diaper moolah in the form of advertising money, I am going to try to blog more. Keyword here is - TRY. Don't leave messages asking why there are no new posts if you don't see anything for say, two weeks.

Will upload the wedding photos shortly. In the meantime, here's a shot of me giving my life away.  O.o

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Mad March

It's supposed to be more like a Mushy March....or  Much-In-Love March....or even a Mad Love March. 
But I am calling it Mad March because well, it was a mad month for us. 

Nope, I did not forget that it has been eight months since we got together then. But I was simply too busy and too tired to blog. Of course, I could have done a one-liner, post it up and consider it blogging. But seriously, what's the point of doing a crap job when you can do one perfect one?

So, if anyone thought I had dropped dead, the truth is I was almost dead. Twenty eight and a half years of my life, this is the first BLOODY time I truly wish I have 48 hours in my life. Yah lah, I did wish for this many hours before when I was single and having a lot of fun out there...but.....moving on.......

It was a good month. I left the PR company I was in after a month and a half, went for a one week holiday in Perth with DoRAYmon, came back and joined a German automaker. New career, new scope of work, new challenges, new fun and the best part? Back with the old boss! Mad love. 

And the big news now - We are getting married!  :)
Yes, you heard right. Wedding is on 2nd May, Sunday.

This is the reason why this has been a busy month. Planning a wedding from scratch is fun but when you have a new career on hand and so little time till the big day, a wedding seems like the hardest thing to plan! 
But we have been lucky till now cos we had a lot of help and a big sponsorship from a special someone.  :D

See, this is the reason why my blog has been left out there in the cold. Almost everyday, there is something to be done - getting the schedules fixed, replying emails, confirming RSVPs, getting the rings etc etc etc. 
THEN, I realized something. I am damn good at this can? I got everything in place (well, almost) in two weeks. Am I good or what? I am considering, after we have a couple of kids, maybe I can look into doing wedding planning. More time for the family plus it's something I am damn good in lah!

To all those who have asked - yes, this is the latest news. I am getting married off. After so many long, failed relationships and short, crazy flings, I am finally settling in. A round of applause please.   XD

It's really something that I am still coming to terms with. True, I had close brushes with marriages before but this time, this is the the closest time I have come so close to one. Trying on that wedding gown and ring does make a girl feels special. I guess that is the one time when a girl looks into the mirror and realizes (with an uh-oh) that this is the moment on when they will have to take full responsibility of their life. Take charge, make things work and be an adult. Sometimes, it still scares me when I think I am really going to get married. I admit I cringe when I see my single life - the one full of clubbing/ drinking/ smoking/ crazy parties/ irresponsible fun - slowly fading away. :s
But then, I guess this is life. We grow up, we move on, we grow into the next phase of life. And we pray that whatever comes along is not too fucked.

Anyway, while I go back to being busy with my wedding preparations, here are some of the photos we took in Perth. For more photos, it can be viewed on my Facebook (but I guess most have seen by now. :p)

Camwhoring by the O'Neill's pool.

Samantha and her Taxi

Cottesloe Beach

Alright - this photo was stupid. Downright stupid. I bought a double scoop ice cream to eat as we strolled along the beach. But then the wind was so strong that my ice cream was melting big time. That plus I did not have something to tie up my hair with. So there was this silly woman eating ice cream with her hair flipping wildly in her face while she tried her darn hardest to push her hair away. And her boyfriend leh? Happily snapping away at her ridiculous moment.

Ferris wheel at Swan Bell Tower.

Our host - Rory making a toast midway during the BBQ dinner.

And hostess, Vanessa talking to her neighbor.

Walking along Swan River to get to the jetty.

I found my family in a random shop at E Shed!

Port Beach

Little Creatures!

Must try beers? Sorry, I can't taste the difference. I AM NOT a beer person!

The must try mussels! Yummylicious!!!

And we found another must try - the Kanga skewers!

There he goes....seducing the camera again.

The ferris wheel by Swan Bell Tower at night.

Prevelly Beach - where we lost our camera!  *sobs sobs*

This is when I thank God for the invention of the iPhone which took beautiful photos in daylight....

Winery tour - our first winery, Stella Bella Winery.

Wine, my love. See you in November.  :)

Lunch at Voyager Estate. OMFG - the pork was as soft as the fish!

The flower garden in Voyager Estate.

The wild safari tour with Neil McLoed. This was when I miss my camera. Because the iPhone can't capture the kangaroos in the dark.  -.-

Bye, Margaret River. Back to the O'Neills.

Brunch at Fast Eddy's!

Scarborough Beach - check out my shiny arms and legs! And for those who are STUPID enough to ask me - no, mine is not a fake tan. I am born dark skinned. Getting a tan is as simple as snapping my fingers. Duh.

Scarborough at sunset.
We then made our way back to Vanessa's to pack up and leave Perth.....

Who knows we missed our check in time by five minutes and had to buy fresh new tickets at SGD900 back the next day! KNN. Fuck you, Jetstar! I swear I will never take you budget airlines ever again.