MIA - not. I went to give birth. ^_^My country gives money for people that pops babies. So why not take the money if I can? 4K is not a small amount.....
And as a mum now, I finally understand why people say that kids are every parent's pride and joy. Whenever the world disappoints me, I will take a look at Jay and he will make me feel happy. It's a comfort to know that no matter how fucked up the world is, there is still a little thing that is so innocent. And of course, I feel damn proud whenever I look at his chubby face (and legs....and arms). *grins*
So, here goes......Presenting my little bundle of joy who made his grand entrance to this world on 29 October 2010 : Jay Ang

Freshly pulled out from inside of me...see the hair is still messy?

With Great-Grandma

With Grandma - who dotes on him to death...

Caught with his cheeky smile at three weeks old!
I dance Para Para dance for you!
People say we have the same eyes but I am quite sure I don't glare at people like him!

Neh neh pok!
Actually, the neh neh is not the focus but his new hairstyle.
First Christmas at Pan Pacific Hotel

Speechless about this....Jay Jay wants to sleep but I want to bathe him so he did this - sleep while I bathe him. -.-ll
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