Friday, January 22, 2010

New Year Resolutions

I think I am the last few who are still posting New Year resolutions. Smart right? End of Jan then post. Might as well wait till next year then post.

But then, this is my blog. I can post anything, anytime I like. Lalalalalalala!
Honestly, these new year resolutions I drafted - I don't intend to stick by them. Those that know me will know I don't react well to rules and regulations. And it means I fail at keeping resolutions. Muahahaha!

Here goes :
  • Quit smoking. Laugh bah, you assholes. I know my friends are all evil people and are convinced I will pick up smoking within three months of quitting. Whatever! At least I am trying. Oh wait, quit smoking everyday but I will still be a social smoker. I can never not smoke when I am drinking. It's like eating chicken rice with no chicken.
  • Cut down on drinking or stop altogether. Erm....cut down is doable. Stopping altogether is not. I don't understand why I even write "stop". 
  • Chill and take life easy. Enjoy the journey cos most of the time, we don't get to the destination. Well, at least for me, that's the case. People can promise to walk with you till the end but then they can always choose to take a turn in between. Like a friend said - mostly, at the end of the day, you are by yourself. So why not just enjoy the walk while it last?
  • Build up my savings account. Amazingly, this appears year after year. And very coincidentally, every time when I make my resolutions, my account shows double digits. Wahahaha! Ok, seriously, will make an effort to save this year.
  • Stop biting my right thumb. T, if you are reading this, you better stop laughing! It's a comfort issue. When I get nervous, I bite it unknowingly. Cannot is it?
  • Make something out of my career. I still have six years to fulfill my career goals. But why wait six years? I am going to make it happen in three.
  • Quit worrying about people. Enough is enough. I do my best, you want to be an asshole/ bitch/ idiot/ retard, go ahead. I came to this world without you and I survived. So, I won't die without you.
  • Make an effort to maintain friendships with the people who were with me during my darkest hours. Speaking of which, I better call the Ah Lian for our Oosters drink session soon.
  • Stop falling asleep about 9pm every night, then wake up at 3/4am, try to find stuff to do and go back to sleep at about 6am and start panicking cos I only have one more hour to sleep.
  • To make my Mama happy, yes, I will go see the god-damn doctor about that thingy on my neck.'s so near my face. If I have to go for an operation, I will kill myself. 
  • Time for that degree. But I still want to have fun. So maybe after June will be a good time to head back to school. Haha!
  • Speaking of which, maybe get a driver's license. Bwahahaha! I am bullshitting here la. I want a chauffeur. Not be a chauffeur.
  • Stop using perfumes as air fresheners.
  • Stop glaring at people who bumps into me on the MRT when it's crowded.
  • Instead of yelling "Can you all move in?!?!" to people on a crowded bus, smile sweetly, then say "Move it please, assholes."
I think that's about it. Actually, there's a lot more but they are mostly rubbish resolutions I don't intend to keep so I just deleted them.

Actually, I don't think I will keep to most of them so drafting them was probably self entertainment at that time. Oh right, they were drafted because one of the resolutions was to at least blog once a week!

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