A (her initials) was at Borders one day, saw the book, read the intro at the back and felt that the author was basically describing me. So she bought the book and gave it to me as a gift, hoping it will give me some strength emotionally and mentally.
It is a very, very good book and was passed around a few friends - yes, these girls had gone through or were going through tough break-ups then and I hoped the book will help them in some ways like how it helped me. The book was returned me just yesterday and I re-read a few sections again.
You see, when I was reading the book at first, I was all messed up and confused. The book could only soothe my unsettled emotions and help keep me rational to a certain extent. It assured me that whatever I was going through was normal and I will be alright. And that was all I pretty much felt.
Today, a couple of months later, I pick up the book again. However, this time round, I felt different reading certain sections. I can actually laugh at some sentences and think "Oh, I did it!". Or "Oh shit, I did that stupid thing!". Some poems that did nothing for me then are actually doing something to me now! Hohoho!
So, I am going to share with you one of the poems that I really like :
"This is reality sinking in -
This is the tingling in your limbs and the knot in your stomach coming full term
This is the scene of the movie that calls for (a lot of) tissues
This is the part nobody said it would be easy - the hardest part of all parts
And once these moments pass -
Once you release the tension that has settled in your temples
And the butterflies that linger....set off for the horizon
The strength will rise from somewhere within and you will finally be free"
Thanks to A for this book because finally, a lot of things made sense. And I am starting to be able to read it another way now.
And check out what A and some girls in the office - Ah Lian, Bimbo and Burden got for me to up the happiness :

A collection of Hello Kitty stationery!
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