I had my head knocked into something for the second time this week. I suspect yesterday's knock did knock some sense into me because :
- It was extremely painful
- I felt dizzy for a long time
- I had a bump
- And after thirty six fucking hours, the bump is still painful like hell and I am still dizzy!!!!
- But yet, I suddenly remembered that I haven't had any New Year resolutions for this year as I was too broken hearted then to think of any!
Now that I am already into April, or rather almost May, I wonder if it's a bit too late to make some resolutions for the year now? Well, I don't care. I am going ahead to do it. Hah!
The past year had been a tough one, especially the last quarter. But through it all, I think I now know myself better and I know what I want in future so here goes :
The past year had been a tough one, especially the last quarter. But through it all, I think I now know myself better and I know what I want in future so here goes :
- Build my savings up again. Being out of love is not only heart wrenching but expensive too. How the fuck I blew 5k on alcohol in a month, I don't know and I don't want to know either. So, I seriously need to build up some savings since the last look in the savings account shows only a pathetic two hundred bucks.
- Freeze/ cut up/ hide the credit card. This is the only way to not overspend on yet another pair of shoes or bag that I don't need.
- Cut down on alcohol. And I mean seriously cut down on it. My body is already protesting to my three/ four times drinking sessions a week. I think two will be a nice number for now....hahaha!
- Spend more time with my family and Christmas. A sudden death recently kinda jolted my thoughts. I realize that sometimes regrets are really too late. The only thing we can do is to cherish what we have and show our appreciation while we can.
- Go for a holiday - anywhere except Genting/ KL/ Desaru/ Batam/ Bintan/ Phuket/ Bangkok/ Philippines. No, it's not the memories. Duh. But the fact that I've been to these places again and again. I want to go somewhere else. Tokyo, Hong Kong, Korea or Taiwan will be nice. Just no fucking China.
- Be honest with the "other person" if I meet a new guy. Honesty ie : what I can give and what I expect. I don't want to waste anyone's time further. If we somehow can't meet each other's expectations, I want to cut the loses and move on. I don't want to waste time trying to accommodate someone or have him accommodate me just to go through another six-year relationship and end up breaking up.
- Lose 10kg. No, I am not bulimic. I dropped 15kg in a month then but now I am at a healthy 60kg. I think if I can lose a few more Kgs, it'd be easier to get clothes.
- Seriously take care of my complexion. Being born with ultra sensitive skin should have been a warning but I decided to try the heck care attitude and am now left with horrible scars. Nabeh!!!!!
- Buy a Miu Miu bag.
I guess these are all. I know the last one is really random but I have been in love with the Matellasse Tote since the dinosaurs era and I want it!!!!! **stomps feet to show how persistent I am**
So, I guess this time, I have more sense when doing my resolutions. No more "I want to get married by DD/MM/YY" or "I want to have kids by thirty". Just straight forward, down-to-earth resolutions. Ooooohhh, I am so proud of myself. Wahahahahaha!
On a totally unrelated note, someone told me that I should not perm my hair but keep it straight. Now this is weird. Because 99% of the people I have met said I look better with curls. He is the weird one that thinks I look better with straight hair. Ahem, he also happened to be the one that said I look better in white...hahaha!
Take a look, make your comparisons and let me know what you think. My hair is a god-damn mess now and I need to decide on a hairstyle and get it done by June.
Straight HairSo, I guess this time, I have more sense when doing my resolutions. No more "I want to get married by DD/MM/YY" or "I want to have kids by thirty". Just straight forward, down-to-earth resolutions. Ooooohhh, I am so proud of myself. Wahahahahaha!
On a totally unrelated note, someone told me that I should not perm my hair but keep it straight. Now this is weird. Because 99% of the people I have met said I look better with curls. He is the weird one that thinks I look better with straight hair. Ahem, he also happened to be the one that said I look better in white...hahaha!
Take a look, make your comparisons and let me know what you think. My hair is a god-damn mess now and I need to decide on a hairstyle and get it done by June.

With curls

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