Who's that girl.....lalalalalalala......
That's me. Yes, yours truly. See, I make a pretty geisha, don't I?
It's been like a billion years since I celebrate Halloween in a big way. The last time I went for a Halloween party was like eight or nine years ago at the not-so-happening-now-anymore China Black. Yes, I was once young and crazy and I did partied like mad.
After a long hiatus, I am slowly finding my once-lost life back. With my crazy partner. Ah-huh. *grinz*
So, this Halloween, we dressed up, met up with my partner's friends and rocked Clarke Quay. Well, we didn't actually rock Clarke Quay. Apparently, there were like millions of people dressing up on that day. But our group did actually attract quite a bit of attention because we had a sexy Brazil Carnaval Queen and someone who looked like he just walked out of the Detroit Metal City movie. Check out the piece of work that I am claiming some credit for :

Ain't that a fine piece of work? It was hilarious because some of Ray's friends could not recognize him at all! *Fun! Fun! Fun!*
And I just have to show a picture of both of us together. Because someone came up to me and told me that we were a perfect match in our costumes. Excuse me, Ray looked damn scary and I looked gan-puah-si-lang-chio can? How can we be a perfect match??? Unless you think a red cape plus a red kimono equals to a good match......then I have nothing to say. -___-

This is the chio Brazil Carnaval Queen I am taking about. Not too happy about meeting him or rather her (her name is Michelle). I thought I was the prettiest for the night till we met. He stole all my limelight away. Argh!!!

You know how beauty queens pose and smile and act friendly for the cameras despite being jealous of one another? I have perfected that. Can you sense any jealousy? I bet not.

This is only a small group of Ray's friends. And I mean A SMALL GROUP. There must have been at least fifty people around if they all fall in.

DMC meets erm....a butcher?
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