Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Random and bimbotic but so what?

Afraid that my blog will be neglected and be found one day covered with cobwebs, I decided to blog at least three times a week. At least for now. Since I am so free till I can remove my leg hair strand by strand with a tiny pair of tweezers.

Ok, I admit that part of the reason is that I need the clicks and advertisements moolah to put some instant noodles on the table. Hint big enough? Click on the ads you see, people!

Suffering from the lack of brain juice, I decided.....posting random stuff on the blog is better than nothing at all. Muahahahahaha!

So, here you go. Random stuff to entertain you on a rainy day.......

Randomness One : Beautiful nails done by yours truly. Now, I am going to whine. Since I met Ray, my nails have been breaking. Non-stop. Finally, they are all about the same length and I decided to do my nails before they break again. Three hours of eye-squinting, back-breaking, fingers-shaking, loads of swearing later......ta-dah! Pretty nails!

If you noticed....yes, I went overboard on the glue. And fucked the ring finger up a bit. The lucky part, all is not lost. After a few washes, the extra glue will be washed off. Phew....

Randomness Two : Purchasing six bags in two weeks. What can I say? I have a weakness for bags. Muahahahaha!

Look what came in the mail a couple of weeks ago? My six bags.
My justification for the need of six bags? They are birthday pressies for myself!

After long searches, I finally found the Chanel-inspired handbags in the colors, quality and size I want. Ray is still not aware but I have ordered these in another two colors. And they are due to arrive in early December, just before Christmas!

Cute checkers! Not really the me-kind of bags but hey, we should all try something new at times. It's boring to stick to the same old styles, right.

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