Remember how a knock on my head back in April knocked some senses into me and I decided to set myself some "New Year" resolutions? Vague memories? Never mind. Click here.
Remember now? See what a knock it has been. Determined not to waste my life away anymore, I decided to set up some "New Year" resolutions. Setting them in April is late but well, late is better than never, right? So, seeing that it's November now, it's time for a check to see what I have (or rather haven't) accomplish so far.
- Build my savings up again. Being out of love is not only heart wrenching but expensive too. How the fuck I blew 5k on alcohol in a month, I don't know and I don't want to know either. So, I seriously need to build up some savings since the last look in the savings account shows only a pathetic two hundred bucks. - Fuck shit. Still not done and I am jobless now and I need travel funds for Perth in three months' time. Looks like this needs to roll over to 2010.
- Freeze/ cut up/ hide the credit card. This is the only way to not overspend on yet another pair of shoes or bag that I don't need. - I didn't freeze or cut any cards. But the card with the highest credit limit is gone. And I am only left with two cards with pathetic credit limits. EEYER.
- Cut down on alcohol. And I mean seriously cut down on it. My body is already protesting to my three/ four times drinking sessions a week. I think two will be a nice number for now....hahaha! - Hiak Hiak. I did it! I am now only drinking like once every fortnight? Lalalalalala.......
- Spend more time with my family and Christmas. A sudden death recently kinda jolted my thoughts. I realize that sometimes regrets are really too late. The only thing we can do is to cherish what we have and show our appreciation while we can. - I am indeed spending more time at home now. And I kinda wondered if my family is irritated by my presence 24/7?
- Go for a holiday - anywhere except Genting/ KL/ Desaru/ Batam/ Bintan/ Phuket/ Bangkok/ Philippines. No, it's not the memories. Duh. But the fact that I've been to these places again and again. I want to go somewhere else. Tokyo, Hong Kong, Korea or Taiwan will be nice. Just no fucking China. - I went to Vietnam for the first time in September! And well, I did go to Genting (again) in July but then that was where everything started. New memories have been formed and honestly, how can I not want to go there now?
- Be honest with the "other person" if I meet a new guy. Honesty ie : what I can give and what I expect. I don't want to waste anyone's time further. If we somehow can't meet each other's expectations, I want to cut the loses and move on. I don't want to waste time trying to accommodate someone or have him accommodate me just to go through another six-year relationship and end up breaking up. - It might be too soon to say this....but I think I have found someone who is perfect to me. For the first time, I actually look forward to seeing someone's face everytime I wake up.
- Lose 10kg. No, I am not bulimic. I dropped 15kg in a month then but now I am at a healthy 60kg. I think if I can lose a few more Kgs, it'd be easier to get clothes. - Shit! Stagnant for now. Time to diet again.
- Seriously take care of my complexion. Being born with ultra sensitive skin should have been a warning but I decided to try the heck care attitude and am now left with horrible scars. Nabeh!!!!! - Mission accomplished. And no, I DID NOT go for plastic surgery.
- Buy a Miu Miu bag. - Didn't happen. But last month, I bought six bags. O.O
Hmmm......seems like I didn't really do much. And by the looks of it, I don't think I have enough time to do much now anymore. However, I am happy enough that some goals were accomplished. Life can't be perfect all the time and for now, I am satisfied with what I have.
With the clock ticking away, we will soon bid farewell to 2009. This has been a roller coaster year but it was a good roller coaster ride. It started out totally fucked but ended with a high. Things I did not expect has happened - I have a new job, a new career to work on, a new man, a much happier and fulfilling life. And most importantly, the courage that I once lost, I found it back.
So, for now, I am all ready to say goodbye to 2009.
2009, you have me found some good things among the bad. But soon you will be nothing but the past. So goodbye. I am looking forward to 2010 which I know will be a wonderful year for sure.
Till then, I will be thinking of my 2010's New Year resolution and looking forward to it with a big grin.

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