Things haven't been well lately. And please, for fuck's sake, stop asking if I am okay. I am not. And seriously, is "I AM NOT okay" the answer you want to hear? If not, shut the fuck up and fuck off.
Just when the first argument ended and things are looking up, another bomb had to drop. Friend or foe, I wonder what you are exactly.
If you are a friend, till now, I am still very curious why you are withholding your identity. Why do you want to see your friend hurt if you are truly a friend? Don't tell me that you are afraid that when we meet up in future, we will feel awkward. This is an excuse, not a reason. Nothing is more awkward than this hoo-ha you have created. I hope you are happy.
If you are a foe or psycho bitch, I hope you will burn in hell. Your kids will be born with no assholes and they will choke on fishballs and sotong balls. If you have a son, he will have erectile dysfunction, so bad that he cannot even have a hard-on to PCC. If you have a daughter, she will have no womb. Not only can she never have children, she can forget about having sex. Btw, I will keep on sending porn stuff to your children just to see them suffer.
As for you, I hope you will fall into god-damn holes you come across, have flower pots drop on your head, cars e-braking at you (so you will have many heart attacks) and get cheated on by all your partners. If you think this is a funny prank, let me tell you - this is a fucking sick joke. If you are that free, maybe you should spend more time thinking on how you can contribute to this society instead of doing retarded stuff like that. Oh, but wait, you don't have much brains, do you? How to think like that? Huh? Huh? Huh?
Sorry all, especially those of you who are students - this probably all sound very crude but I am super pissed off now. I could have print screen the email I received from someone claiming to be my friend and stick it all onto my blog but for now, I am holding that back because of some reasons, which I will tell when time is right.
PS : Over the years, I realize I have a very foul mouth. Once, over an argument, I told my friend that I hope his dad will die and sure enough, he died in his sleep shortly after. To another friend, I told him I hope his mum will kena kidney disease so that they can all suffer and true enough, that happened. This is one of the reasons why I choose to swear at people with the most unkind words than curse them because my curses do come true. So, whoever you are, I am not taking these back. In fact, I wish you the best of luck.