Who matters, who never did
Who won't anymore. And who always will.....
So, don't worry about people from your past.
There's a reason why they didn't make it to your future.
I was clearing my drawer when I came across a stack of cards from QX. Erm....silly me apparently did not do a clean job when I was throwing out stuff. Or maybe at that time, I could not bear to throw them away......?
Anyway, after I read through them - what to do? I am a softie even though I claim I am cold blooded - I realize that sometimes it takes a human a long time to understand why some people belongs to the past.
I have somehow let some of these memories seep into my future. But now I know why some people did not make it here with me. All that remains now is nothing but memories. After reading the cards and stuff, I feel blessed to know that I was once loved so much by someone. And because this love had once truly existed, the person involved will always be held dear to my heart. The memories we had will always be precious to me.
There is a reason why fate throws two lovers together only to rip them apart. Sometimes, that "One" is meant to appear in your life as a learning process. Sometimes, that "One" is meant to appear to awaken the unstirred emotions in you. Sometimes, that "One" is destined to be only part of your life journey.
And when things do not work out, the best way is to let them go with a smile. Sure, there are some people or some things that one can never forget. Some people, we hold dear to our heart. Some memories, so precious that we will never share as it has become a secret deep in our hearts. Some feelings, although they are no longer love, never cease as they had become embedded somewhere in our veins.
However, destiny has it that they remain where they are - The Past. And this is the reason they do not make it into the Future.

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